SAP and NEXCOM: The Perfect Match of IT and OT Follow by the announcement of the partnership of Smart Manufacturing between SAP and NEXCOM on April 25th,2019, NEXCOM today revealed plans for solutions to facilitate th...
新漢免費開放 NEXCOM IoT Studio連網軟體工具下載 加速物聯網創新 新漢為加速物聯網創新,開放 NEXCOM IoT Studio 連網軟體工具免費下載,讓開發人員毋須編寫複雜程式碼,即可完成連線設定,盼藉此推廣物聯網應用。該工具軟體採用網路介面與簡便的點擊及拖曳操作,可縮短開發週期、節省應用佈建,從創意開發測試、雛型試作、大規模導入一氣呵成,實踐物聯網應用。
October 13, 2015
NEXCOM NEXC2C and IoT Studio As Internet of Things (IoT) has been a hot topic for recent years. IoT depicts an aspiring scenario where everything is connected, information collected, and knowledge ex...